Event Details
Featured Survivors:
Valerie Martinez
Heart Survivor
Valerie, a vibrant woman, has a story that embodies resilience, discovery, and hope. From a young age, she was under medical care for a heart murmur, a condition that, fortunately, did not require surgery. She grew up living a full and active life, enjoying cheerleading and dancing, running 5Ks, hiking, and mountain biking. She never imagined that her heart health would become a serious concern later in life.
Kendra Bealor
Heart Survivor
"Christmas 2023 morning, I felt symptoms of a heart attack around 9am. My husband and I went immediately to Taos Holy Cross ER where I underwent a catheter procedure to find and clear the blockage. During the procedure, I had additional heart issues detected (basically, in laymen’s terms, severe electrical malfunctions) so they decided to insert a temporary pacemaker probe to stabilize the heart rhythm and transport me, again via helicopter, to Albuquerque."
Event Schedule:
10:30 AM - Registration & Silent Auction Open
11:30 AM - Program & Fashion Show Begins
1:00 PM - Event Concludes & Auction Check-Out
Wear RED!
Event attendees will be sent a personalized link to browse and bid on this year's packages. If you are interested in bidding on this year's auction, please contact Sherri Wells at Sherri.Wells@heart.org.
Auction Opens
Date & Time TBD
Auction Closes
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 | 12:00 Noon